Skills Development Track

At Al Alfi Foundation, we believe in empowering individuals to unlock their full potential and enhance their employability. In today’s competitive dynamic and job market, success requires more than just technical skills—it demands a holistic approach to personal and professional growth. Our Skills Development Track bridges the gap between education and employment by equipping participants with essential skills, knowledge, and mindset to excel in various professional settings.
Through interactive workshops, hands-on experiences, and mentorship opportunities, our program is designed to foster a well-rounded skill set, from communication and interpersonal skills to developing a strategic mindset and adaptability. We offer customizable learning paths to meet diverse career goals, allowing participants to tailor their learning experience according to their individual career goals and industry demands. This personalization is further enhanced by regular, feedback-driven improvements.
Comprehensive career support, including counseling and post-program assistance, ensures participants are well-prepared for their career journeys. Additionally, our new summer internship program provides valuable hands-on experience for undergraduates from diverse academic backgrounds, supporting their educational, professional, and personal development.

Our Notable Initiatives


Be Ready Initiative

Higher Education for Life and Work – HELW – is a project funded by UKAID and led by the International Labour Organization (ILO) in collaboration with Al Alfi Foundation, iCareer, and Advance HE. The overall aim of the programme is to contribute to Egypt’s increased capacity for inclusive economic growth, with particular attention to improving the labor market outcomes for youth from public universities. HELW partnered with the Ministry for Higher Education and Scientific Research, as the main stakeholder, to provide effective capacity building and career guidance to students and graduates.

The “Higher Education for Life and Work (HELW)” project is a significant initiative aimed at fostering inclusive economic growth in Egypt, particularly by enhancing labor market outcomes for young people from public universities. This project is funded by UKAID and spearheaded by the International Labour Organization (ILO). It features key collaborations with Al Alfi Foundation, iCareer, and Advance HE.

One of the core objectives of HELW is to strengthen the capacity of young people for better integration into the workforce. This is achieved through the strategic partnerships with Egypt’s Ministry for Higher Education and Scientific Research, which plays a pivotal role as the main stakeholder. Through this partnership, HELW focuses on providing effective capacity building and career guidance to both students and new graduates.

The programme’s emphasis on capacity building is crucial, as it aims to equip the youth with the necessary interpersonal and intrapersonal skills required to thrive in the modern job market. Career guidance is another essential component of the HELW project. By offering tailored career advice, mentorship, and support, the programme helps students and graduates navigate the complexities of the job market, make informed career choices, and ultimately achieve better employment outcomes.


  • Life Skills

    Based on the latest World Economic Forum Report on the top skills and skill groups employers see as rising in prominence in the lead-up to 2025, Al Alfi Foundation designed a Students Development Program, “Keys to Success,” capitalizing on the main pillars extracted from the report, which focuses on: Interpersonal Skills and Intrapersonal Skills.

    Al Alfi Foundation provided skills training courses for 1100 students and fresh graduates from public universities from different governorates. Beneficiaries were assessed using a specially designed assessment tool. The skills tests were designed to measure basic competencies that are typically associated with essential work activities for a wide variety of jobs. The results were used as a reliable way to objectively evaluate the beneficiaries’ abilities and identify their skill gap to be placed in the most needed course.

  • English Courses

    Recognizing the importance of English proficiency in the global job market, Al Alfi Foundation provided courses to about 700 students and graduates from public universities to undertake 2 levels (approximately 120 hours) of English language training. These courses, tailored according to individual assessment results, aim to improve language skills and, consequently, employability. Notably, the program includes significant female participation, highlighting its commitment to gender inclusivity.


EJADA Platform

The EJADA platform is a significant educational and entrepreneurial initiative in Egypt, established through the collaborative efforts of Al Alfi Foundation, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the Supreme Council of Egyptian Universities, and various other entities focused on education, training, entrepreneurship, and women empowerment.

Launched on June 12, 2022, EJADA’s mission is to prepare Egypt for the upcoming industrial revolution by empowering youth, women, and the community. It is an Arabic online educational platform that promotes skill development and continuous learning among Egyptian youth. The platform aligns with Egypt’s Vision 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. This vision is Egypt’s long-term strategic plan for sustainable development. Training courses on EJADA are presented by professors and lecturers from Egyptian universities.

The platform’s objectives include qualifying Egyptian youth as global citizens, creating a skilled youth pool, bridging the gap between graduate skills and employer requirements, fostering a culture of continuous personal and professional development, promoting entrepreneurship and innovation, and preserving traditional local handicrafts.


EJADA focuses on six key pillars:


    Offers technical and vocational training in line with the Presidential Initiative Sanay’et Misr.


    Provides courses on digital transformation to support the “Digital Egypt” initiative.


    Offers entrepreneurship and business development skills in a growing entrepreneurial sector.


    Training courses for women on mobile technology use in business, developed by the Arab Women Enterprise Fund (AWEF).


    Includes various sub-pillars:

    • Role of STEM in Empowerment

      Focuses on empowering women in STEM.

    • The Youth Talks Dome

      Discusses new skills required in the labor market and other topics.

    • Personal Skills

      Educational videos on soft skills.

    • Virtual Business Incubator

      Helps new entrepreneurs develop their business ideas.


    Educates about opportunities for small companies in the stock market.

EJADA is a comprehensive platform that integrates various aspects of education, skill development, and entrepreneurship, aiming to foster a more skilled and economically empowered society in Egypt.